Hi my name is Syrbastyian Vzampfyier. This blog is about expressing the things I think and feel plus it will also include letters I have written plus my poems and thoughts. I hope you will enjoy reading everything and I hope that my mind may advance yours and your mind advance mine as well. Thank you all, Syrbastyian.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Objects of "Art, Interest & Curiousity"
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Printing out sheets
I know some of you have tried to print the English work-sheets that I made but had some problems with size.
Well, I have fixed those issues and problems so you should be able to print out the sheets now.
Note: when you print them out, set the printer to print the page side ways not the usual length ways. I.e. With the long sides of A4 paper at the top and bottom.
If you still have problems then let me know and I will try to resolve them for you but I am still a little new at this myself.
Have a good day / night, wherever you are.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Modifiers & Intensifiers
I have made some more English worksheets for you to use and practice with.
These ones are about words that make vocabulary stronger or weaker. For example: "This bag is A LITTLE expensive", "This bag is VERY expensive", "(A) bag is MUCH more expensive than (B) bag", etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
To see the sheet please click the "TITLE" or the link >>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p6X_DDMzNbcQnC8_gXRd5TQ&hl=en_GB
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Telephone English
You can also use it as a back up when you are using the telephone to help with the conversation flow.
To see the sheets either just click the title "Telephone English" above or click the link below.
Now I will explain what you will find on the sheets: the first set of sheets is about "taking & leaving messages" and the second set of sheets is about "getting & giving information". On the sheets you will see (A) and (B); (A) is the company/staff and (B) is the caller/customer.
I hope that you find them useful and that make your English easier.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Long time no write, Sorry.
I'm so sorry for not keeping my blog up to date with new things from me but I have been a little busy lately with job hunting and getting things in order plus a little lazy with my blog and keeping in touch with you all.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me or at least turn a blind-eye to my faults.
I have not found a good full-time job yet that meet my two main requirements. Most of the full-time jobs, I have seen or interviewed for, either do not pay enough salary to support my life or involve teaching creates 12 years old & under, and as you all well know I absolutely can't stand teaching children. They are OK if kept at a distance I suppose.
I am working part-time for a company called 日米英語学院 (Nichibei Eigo Gakuin) or in English (Nichibei English Service). They have a long history in Japan since 1945/46 I think. There are three branches in Tokyo (東京): Shinjuku (新宿), Shibuya (渋谷) and Ikebukuro (池袋). I am teaching company lesson out of the branch for the Shinjuku branch and in branch teaching for the Shibuya branch.
I very much enjoy working for Nichibei; the branches are clean and very professional looking, the staff are professional and have lovely personalities and the students a great because they are, all in some way, serious about learning to communicate in English. As a teacher when you have students who want to learn and want to improve, it makes your teaching work a joy and a pleasure.
Well that is basically it for now.
Oh yeah! that's right, I almost forgot. Sometime soon (if I am not too lazy) I will put my English-Study-Worksheets on my blog. These worksheet have different themes/topics/points that cover various grammatical & structural points, expressions & natural-phrases uses and, exercises & tasks to help learners of English to expand their sentences plus help improve their communication in English.
Those of you who are studying English or are teaching English, please check my blog once in a while for these worksheets. I will probably start posting them at the beginning or middle of July 2008.
Until next time, have a wonderful day/night and Sweet Dreams.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
My Advertisements
The Economist

Unclouded by emotions, untainted by special-interests, unfettered by sentiment. The Economist, bringing you the clarity that you need to make those important decisions. "If only our leaders could be the same".
Written and endorsed by me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
I would be the first one to admit that I have never really been that interested in economics and know very little about economics. So it may come as I surprise to you that I would recommend an economic magazine.
Around 6 months ago I had some time to kill while I was waiting to met a friend, so I decided to buy a magazine to read to fill the time. The only decent magazine that the shop was The Economist. I bought it and went to a cafe to have an espresso and read to kill the time. I thought that it was going to be a boring read, but to my great surprise The Economist was a delight to read.
I found the articles insightful and easy to read, I also like that fact that it is written in a clear manner without the emotions and/or special-interests that cloud or taint most other magazine writing.
Maybe it is because they write from an economic view point, it enables them to see with a clarity that brings out the real information and also allows them to view all sides of the story. No matter what the subject; politics, policy, crime, health, terrorism, war, science & technology, their writing offers an insight that will enable you to make your own informed decision with clear headiness.

For many generations and for many generations to come, Coca-Cola has being a tiny part of our daily life. From events big and small Coca-Cola has been there giving you that refreshing taste and and bubbles of joy. "Coca-Cola, not just the next generation but every generation".
Written and endorsed by me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
The other day I was sitting, in Gyousen Koen 行船公園 江戸川区西葛西 (Japan, Tokyo, Edogawa-ku, Nishikaisai), drinking a can of coke.
I started thinking about it and I realised that for as long as I could remember Coca-Cola the drink and the company has always in some shape or form been apart of my life. Not just my life but probably most people's lives as well.
Thinking about even more the same is true for my parents, grand-parents and great-grand-parents. There are very few drink makes, other than alcohol makers, could say the same thing.
We may all stop drinking coke from time to time but guaranteed that we will drink it at least once or twice a year and that is something that pepsi and the other drink makers can not state.
Bowmore Islay single malt whisky

For well over 200 years we at Bowmore Islay have quietly and unassumingly been going about the business of making what we believe is one of the finest single malt whiskys you will ever have the pleasure of experiencing. "Bowmore Islay Single Malt Whisky, excellence understated".
Written and endorsed by me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
From the top going down. Aged 12 years, Aged 15 years with Sherry Cask Finish, Aged 18 years, Aged 25 years and Bowmore Islay LEGEND.
For many years I could not drink whisky, even the smell of it would make me sick. This was due to a bad experience with whisky when I was 14 years old. But about two years ago I was given a bottle of Bowmore Islay Aged 12 years Single Malt Whisky. So with the help of a friend, who taught me how to drink whisky, I tried this whisky. I was delightfully surprised at the warmth and smoothness of Bowmore and the beautiful scents of the nose. It is a wonderful drink and I strongly advise you to try and drink Bowmore Islay Single Malt Whisky. And for those of you who have never drunk whisksy, Bowmore is an excellent whisky to start with and the only whisky you will ever want to drink.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Seven Stars
The best and most luxurious restaurants are given 3-Stars.
The most elegant and beautiful hotels and resorts 5-Stars.
We have 7-Stars, Now that is saying something.
When only the very best will do, Seven Stars.
The Stars prove it.
Written and endorsed by Me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
I love Seven Stars cigarettes. They have a wonderful mild taste and they smoke easily and smooth due to there charcoal filter.
If you smoke I highly recommend Seven Stars cigarettes. They are Japanese cigarettes so if you are in Japan you will be able to get them easily, but outside Japan, a good tobacconist may stock them.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Poems about My Thoughts
Poem: The Finer Art Of Happiness
" The Finer Art Of Happiness "
Traffic lights go red, green and amber.
Stop, go and slow down.
Riding the emotional highway of time.
You can be brave and tough it out.
You can cry when you are alone.
No one see, no one will know.
Can I tell you a secret.
Will you let me tell it.
The only thing you forgot to learn.
Is the finer art of happiness.
When you were child it was so easy.
Easy to laugh at the butterfly in spring
Enjoy the wind blowing the leaves away.
Now you are an adult, all grown up.
Drinking the bottle to numb the world.
Take the chem for artificial fun.
Long forgotten the butterfly.
The butterfly in spring.
Can I tell you a secret.
Will you promise to hear.
The only thing you forgot to learn is.
The finer art of happiness.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Woe
" Woe "
Woe to those who dream without knowing.
Who feel without wanting.
Think without understanding.
Who choose without deciding.
Woe to those who look without seeing.
Hear without listening.
Who breathe without living.
Woe to those who keep without sharing.
Who share without keeping.
Who take without giving.
Give without taking.
Woe to those who receive without doing.
Who fuck without loving.
Love without fucking.
Woe to drugs and alcohol for the sake of nothing.
Woe to speculating without participating.
To observing without noticing.
Woe to war without justifying.
To peace without needing.
Woe to woe without woeing.
To my words without reading.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Year End
" Year End "
This night, this holiday season.
Old surprises, old friends meet again.
This dream, this fantasy repeats.
Again and again.
This arse, my arse, her arse.
Oh such an arse.
I wish to dream.
Dream to wish.
Lovingly, longingly, heavenly, lustily.
Dream is tonight, is my dream.
Maybe real, maybe illusionary.
Too much to drink.
Too much of everything but not really enough.
Year end.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Sharing My Dream
" Sharing My Dream "
Can you show me the way to Atlantis, across the crystal sea.
Voyage through the iris of an eye, on a tear drop stream.
Take a chance in any direction.
You can soar for forever, in the slip-stream.
When you are sharing my dream.
Listen to the sounds of the alien's call, what could it mean.
Voices sound strange and inviting, can you understand what they are saying.
Images of an alien nation, no time to set the scene.
Ants always invite themselves to a picnic, but who invited me.
Take a look inside my eyes.
Find the crystal ocean on the map of dreams.
I could be six years old or a hundred and three.
I am whomever, wherever, however.
When I am sharing me dream.
Can you show me the way to Atlantis, across the crystal sea.
Voyage through the pulse of the kind, there no need for time.
Now to go to other worlds.
When you are sharing my, our dreams.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Sleep
" Sleep "
Sleep oh sleep.
The blissful rest or is it?
When asleep, the world moves and turns without us.
Unaware of comments and events.
Sleep, where our minds turn.
Ideas, thoughts and inner truths in dreams.
Without the fetidness of consciousness.
Where secrets are revealed to the bright lights wakefulness.
Or half hidden in shape and foggy memories.
Or lost only to be remembered in sleep.
Ah sleep, the bane of staying awake.
But a blessing of inner journeys.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Staying
" Staying "
I am here, yes I am here.
Here to stay.
As long as I choose to be.
Yet, I know not what to feel.
No emotion or thoughts come to me.
Nothing dwells or wells in me.
I guess I shall have to wait.
Wait to discover, find or trip over what I think or feel.
Here, yes here to stay.
As long as I choose to be.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Going Out
" Going Out "
Laser light, reflections mirror me.
Time concept, boundaries no end.
Sweat taste, the sweet salted fragrance.
Mirror time, mirror me, mirror light, mirror night.
End, to know no end.
Artificial, cigarette, human flesh.
To form dense in-toxic, erotic.
Human flesh, to taste, to caress, to smell.
Formed smoke, rise, rise, fall, fall, turn, contort.
Shapes in the reality to savour.
Take delight.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: I'm Looking Back
" I'm Looking Back "
I am looking back, to a time when I was untarnished.
Looking back to a time when being a child was not such a struggle.
Time went on and on.
Life was always good even when it was bad.
A child's mind, fresh air, lots and lots of room to play.
Play the games we invented until dark, all day.
Colours, oh the colours.
Always bright, always full even the blacks and grays.
Music was such magic.
Sounds and words would and could fly.
All we had to do is close our eyes.
And soar and glide with them away.
I am looking back.
To a time when your friends were closer then brothers and sisters.
When skin colour was nothing and, rich and poor were the same.
Looking back, as child's eyes and mind.
Tripped over a crack in the footpath, scarped my knee.
Down the creek for world war three mud-fight.
Come home, get yelled at by my parents.
But it did not matter, it was such a great day.
Oh look at that, that eagle soaring high in the beautiful sky.
Speed down the hill on my push-bike.
Like some crazed maniac on LSD.
Going fast, such a trip when you are a child.
I am looking back, looking back.
When I was so small and the world was so so big.
Full of magic and mystery.
It could go on forever, forever and a day.
I am feeling my life going on for miles and miles.
When I was a child.
Looking back, looking back to a time.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: My Favourite Past Time
" My Favourite Past Time "
Wake up.
Wake up!
Because why?
Is there there anything to do?
Then I am going back to sleep.
Dreaming of rivers and mountains.
Monolithic battles in the dark ages and maidens.
Oh sweet maidens to save from the evil dark wizards.
Wake up.
Wake up!
It always happens right at the best bits.
Cause you have got to go to work.
I don't want to work, it is boring of no interest.
I am going back to my dream.
Now where was that maiden.
Sixty percent of our lives is spent sleeping.
Ten percent in la la land.
And four point five percent relaxing.
well that is very interesting but I would rather be asleep at a time like this.
Laying, laying, waiting, waiting.
laying in wait for some sleep.
Magic to provide a great immense journey.
Boundaries, to the boundaries of my mind.
Dream a dream.
To be soaked and bathed.
Not to remember in the morning.
But it does no matter because I will be still asleep.
Sleep, sleep, sleep!
Wonderful, joyful, refreshing sleep.
What would we do without it, ah sleep.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Neon Lights
" Neon Lights "
You and I are doing fine.
Look up at the sky.
See not a drop of rain in sight.
Hey, let's go to the city.
Walk down to the station.
In forty-five minutes we will be covered in neon lights.
See all the neon lights.
Feel the beautiful colours reflected in our eyes.
Walking around, in the city.
Notice the different people.
Hear all the wonderful living sounds.
Feel the warm ocean breeze blowing through our hair.
Motions of the city at night.
Darkness, light, silence, noise, love and hate.
All bathed in universal neon light.
Back on the train.
Heading home with all the memories of tonight.
Yes, you and I are doing fine.
All the dark clouds will only stay for a little while.
And then they will drift on by.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Children
" Children "
I have seen babies born happy, joyous and gay.
Full of energy and life, ready to play.
I seen them born hurt, damage, maimed, burnt and dead.
Never to live, never to try, never to play.
Yet babies grow and children they be.
To laugh, to play, to adventure the day.
But things can and do go wrong.
Children are not always safe.
Their youth, their life maybe taken and,or stolen away.
And still they grow, adults they may be.
Full of hopes, wishes and fantasies, they dream.
They work and reap the benefits of life.
Some do not work, some do nothing, a wasted life.
Some drain others of everything.
A few will become destroyers, monsters of what they see.
Onwards they grow, old they be.
To reminisce life, simple memories.
To dwell on and of lost things.
Of things that never would have or will be.
But whatever should or should be.
Is or has been.
Babies become children.
And children will or will not be.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Cold
" Cold "
The cold.
What a strange sensation and thing.
It creeps upon you.
Like death waiting to sent you to sleep.
Muscles quizzer and lost their feeling.
Throughout the body piece by piece.
Losing the fight.
Awaiting sweet blessed sleep.
Cold has come for you.
Cold, it also invigorates and wakes up life.
Go outside, it hits you and you feel alive.
Cold, what a strange sensation and thing.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Death
" Death "
It follows us from the moment we are born.
It comes close.
It visits us.
Sometimes it takes us.
Sometimes it chooses not to.
It is forever close.
Some try to fight it.
Try to keep it at bay.
Really, what is the point.
It is not going to go away.
Better to accept it.
Feel comfort in it.
Be comfortable with it.
The certainty of it.
Embrace it.
It is with us in even moment.
Until it comes to take us away.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Fascinating
" Fascinating "
Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, fascinating.
Me and outer embodiment, fascinating.
Discussions of minds exploring the boundaries, fascinating.
The scent of bodies joined in a stationary journey, fascinating.
The dimensions of life and the degrees of death, fascinating.
Someone to talk with.
Open and without judgement.
Without fear of expression and with ideas to discover.
To reveal each others inner thoughts and truths without covers.
Someone to talk with.
Voyage of complexities.
Understanding, learning, exploring, discovering.
Knowing the essence.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: A Generation
" A Generation "
Pushing time, pushing plenty, born in sixty-nine.
I am an acid child and I will feel fine as soon as I drop another line.
Line made, line done, bleeding nose, bizarre dreams.
But it does not matter either way as long as I have my cocaine fade aways.
A line to get me up and a line to get me out.
A line for breakfast and a line for dinner.
A line for everything, except my memories.
Living on the line, born in sixty-nine.
My folks were whacked when I was doing nine months inside.
Well that explains a lot but what explains this.
Big furry monsters running in my head blocking everything from view.
White rose petals floating over my head.
Oh do you have the time so I can make love to you.
All the beautiful magical colours I see with my eyes.
They are not real but I see them most of the time.
And life is dreams upon dreams upon dreams upon dreams.
So I am born in sixty-nine and you know what.
I always seem to find the time.
So if you want to sing a line and fly across the planet.
Take a trip down my generation.
Cause I have some real interesting habits
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: An Idea
" An Idea "
Sometimes bitter, somethings sweet.
The bringer of joy, the bringer of sadness.
The revealer of inner truths, the revealer of inner self.
The essence of bravery, the essence of misery.
It comes at wonderful times.
It comes with desperation.
It comes in inspiration and joy.
It comes from depression.
It lets you do and say things that you control.
A need and an abstinence.
The blessing and the curse.
An idea.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Poem: Uncertainties
" Uncertainties "
My life, not in the hands of myself but in the hands of others.
Uncertainties, no responses or answers.
Uncertainties, questions I have left in the air.
I know that life is not gauranteed.
But some direct would be good.
Would easy my anxieties.
Trapped in limbo, caught in air.
Turn right, turn left, turn somewhere!
Maybe I should focus on the things that make me happy.
Seven Stars cigarettes, beer, red wine, chocolate.
And tiny feather here and there.
But even things are only short term escapes, reliefs and joys.
The uncertainties remain.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Why learn English? Why teach English?
First of all I need to let you in on a dirty little secret, that English Language School in Japan, The Japanese Government (Education-Ministry) and Jukku(Cram-schools) do not want you to know.
Most Japanese people do not really need to learn English. Only about under 3% of Japanese people actually need English e.g. some family relationship, a social relationship or association, or due to academic and/or business relationship. The other 97% do not need English and most could actually live a full and happy life without any English knowledge at all (English words used as Japanese do not count).
If the government and schools(educators) in Japan want to teach English in school then they are going about it the wrong way. English is an ART like music, painting, drama, etc not arithmetic like science, math, etc. If they continue to teach English like a math subject then you will get people who have student English for 6 to 8 years but still can not use the language beside reading and grammatical patterns.
For young children; English should be use as a game or for singing songs, the children do not need to learn it they will just get use to the sounds and words of English and naturally pick it up.
For primary(elementary) students; English should be use in a passive way e.g. the subject is simple math (1+1=2, 3x2=6) but the teacher uses English to talk to the students-e.g. (T) one plus one equals two, everyone repeat. (S's) repeat...(T) three times/multiplied by two equals six, everyone repeat. (S's) repeat. In this way the students will natural learn English and will pick it up quickly without the added stress.
As for high school (Junior/Senior) students, the first year they should learn English but after this, it should be their choice to learn English or not.
So why learn English?
Well for better or worse and probably for the next hundred years English is and will be the THE international language of Business, Governments, NGO's, NPO's, Academics, the Sciences, Technology, Associations and all manner of groups. No matter how much the French complain. Therefore if one wishes to or has to be involved in the international world, then English is a must. Without English you will be at a disadvantage and will not be able to complete. Plus you will miss the vast amount of opportunities that knowing English will provide. For these factors English you will have to know and it why you should and be some cases must learn English.
But these are some of the serious reasons but what about the other not so serious reasons.
Lets start with travel. By knowing even just a little English your travel experience will be so much the greater. You will be able to shop, eat, take tours, rent things and enjoy with worrying about not knowing the conditions and more importantly without getting your money ripped off(over charged). You will be free to explore and not trapped to the tourist places because knowing English you will have access to resources that someone without English will not have. And most importantly you will be able to made connections with people of that country so much easier and quicker by knowing English. Even in countries where English is not the native language, there almost always someone there who knows English.
What about other things?
Well there are Movies, Books, Music, Television, etc
By knowing English your world will expand and grow so much because of the extremely vast amount of the above that is produced in English, plus almost everything is eventually translated in to English as well. No matter what your interests, tastes, styles, likes, etc you will be able to get in English. The Internet is a prime example, even people whose native language is not English use English because they know that English will provide them the greatest number and opportunity to connect with other across this beautiful world.
So these are some reasons why you should learn English.
Also all of the above reasons are a part of why I want to teach English to non native learners but they are not the main reasons why I teach English.
So Why do I Teach English?
The main reason I teach English is that I truly love doing it. I love to teach. It gives me immense satisfaction and pleasure to teach English. The fact when you start the person can not express themselves and say what they want to. With my help little by little they can say what they want and you can see their personality and mind coming out, plus seeing their world and life knowledge expand because of English and because of my teaching. This is awesome, it is pure magic. Also in a way it is like being a parent. You teach and show them, help them with their mistakes, praise them when they did well, encourage them when they are depress or feeling negative and sometimes spank them when they have been naughty. So that in the end they leave be independent and live their life without really needed you. This is what teaching English is to me and what I strive to accomplish with every person that I teach English with.
So these are the reasons why you should learn English and why I teach English.
Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Friday, 14 March 2008

Monday, 10 March 2008
Poems about No Special Meaning
Poem: Light
" Light "
Do you see the light.
Does it cover you.
Blind you with it's glare.
Do you see the darkness.
Does it fold and hide you from the stares.
Step into the night.
The city lights will provide islands with little fear.
Small alleys and lanes.
Where no light penetrate.
What mysteries and unknowns hide in there.
Look under your bed or in your closet.
Do you check before you rest your head.
Most of the time you will find nothing.
Just lights dancing with shadows.
Maybe there are monsters.
Hiding from the light.
Or only the monsters in your head.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Glass
" Glass "
Glass, what a marvelous substance.
Clear, transparent, to see all within in it and on it.
To see around it, under it and through it.
But add some frost, some cloud, some colour.
And visions are unclear, understandably blurred.
Strong, tough, reflective.
It is able to withstand heat, cold and pressure.
Being pounded and hit.
But if it gets the slightest tap may shatter it.
Broken into a million shards and pieces.
Variety, many there are.
All shapes, all sizes, colours, styles and uses.
Yet from the same beginnings and origins.
Glass, what a marvelous substance.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Beginning The Night
" Beginning The Night "
Brown, the scent of Seder.
Wooden comfort, leather caress.
Amber liquid, golden, a happy influence.
Soul and jazz playing.
Through the box a grooving vibe.
Sitting, relaxing.
Feeling the joy of a jumping place.
People rocking, people moaning.
Bodies swaying to the beat, to the heat.
Alone standing, together standing.
The journey.
Club where it starts.
The beginning of the night.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Corners
" Corners "
Did you see it, that quick flash.
At the corners of your eyes.
Did you see it, a sudden shadow.
A dark patch.
Like something or someone standing.
But when you turn, gone to air.
Did you hear it, a soft voice.
A whisper.
A quick sentence that sounds like a word.
It was there but now gone.
Nowhere, it was there.
Must be my imagination.
Must be the corners of my mind.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Some Things
" Some Things "
To learn, to know, discover, to understand.
Many things we bring to us.
Many things we learn.
Many things we throwaway.
Many things we burn.
Some things we build.
Will evolve our life.
Some things are stagnate.
Destroy our life and mind.
How we absorb and view will determine.
Which affect, effects and actions.
The direction's, paths and roads.
To our travels.
Our journey will end.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Another
" Another "
Another cigarette.
It's smoke whirling and curling to the ceiling.
Another bar.
Beer flowing, beer drinking.
It's amber blessings rushing through us.
Another time.
No flowers to caress.
To open, to impress.
Another place.
To be here, to be there.
Alone, together, to know.
To know another.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Club
" Club "
Rhythm, beat, melodic, repetitive, tribal, animalistic.
Bodies entwined together, apart.
Movements basic, complex, free, sexual, sensual.
Sweat perfumed, sweetened, musky, desired.
Lights fantastic, rainbows and black.
Now but not now.
On then not on.
Dance the physical form of thoughts.
Dance the physical form of emotions.
Dance, dance, dance.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: 300 Yen Bar
" 300 Yen Bar "
300 yen bar, 300 yen bar.
It is a 300 yen bar.
Hip hop music, hip hop beat.
It is not Australian Crawl.
But this place is cheap.
J and the mob are in the house.
Having a few, a few drinks.
To enjoy, to celebrate a new year.
Everybody put your hands in the air.
Everyone is too drunk.
Ok keep your hands down there.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Pendant
" Pendant "
When you look at this pendant.
What do you see.
The patterns and designs on this pendant.
They have no special or real meaning.
Just pretty patterns.
Pretty designs to see.
Now look at it again.
Let the patterns envelop your mind.
They will tell a story.
A story for you to find.
They look to venture a journey.
Travel in time.
Discover new worlds.
Magical places.
Memories lost in time.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Stolen From The Good Book
" Stolen From The Good Book "
Life, death, resurrection.
Church ministers teaching hypocritical incite.
Salvation witnessing armageddon.
Bible baptism, bloody cross.
Consequences of corruption.
Murmuring news of an unforeseen occurrence.
Brothers calling, mind your own business "error".
Operation of the excused.
Hell, hades, sheol prove to be proverbial utterance.
Devils and demons.
Sin of earth.
False prophets.
Images of healing tongues.
Stolen from the good book.
Looking for a bottle of coke.
Pay attention man of lawlessness.
Rights as a citizen nonexistent.
Bodyguard broken, spiritualism.
Soul wickedness, world distress.
Clan chief fooled fraudulently.
Whitewash, creation ransom.
The memorial mass.
Religion first days of the sabbath.
Sovereign lord.
Heaven in opposition to persecution.
Costly criticize the kingdom.
Stolen from the good book.
Looking for a bottle of black gold, coca-cola.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: A Teacher's After Thought
" A Teacher's After Thought "
Straight line, straight line.
Better travel in a straight line.
Do not waver, do not falter.
Not unless you reach the end.
Hey, I am going to kill myself working twenty hour days.
Hey, why don't I kill myself just to what it might be like.
Can not do that, I have got thirty student test to mark.
Slowly, slowly declining.
The light ebbing away in the western sky.
Orange glow fading into pinpoints of twinkling light perforating the young night.
Coffee and biscotti by my side.
Paper work only half done, long night, long night.
Packet of cigarettes in the draw will make it alright.
Hey, I am going to kill myself teaching thirty student's their A B C's.
Hey, why don't I kill myself just to see what there could be.
Light up a cigarette, friends say I will die of lung cancer.
Funny comment that, I mean.
Most of them die from drinking and driving.
I do not drink, funny that.
Hey, I am going to kill myself, thinking over and over that is me.
Hey, forget that thought.
I have a date with a beautiful lady.
By the way I am not a teacher. I am a cafe owner.
How could that be, how could that be.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Clock Time
" Clock Time "
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tock.
The hands of a clock.
Measuring time within time.
Read once, read twice, read once again.
Read between the lines.
Electronic and print media don't always say the truth.
Well not the complete whole truth.
Reach across, hold my hand.
Reach across for where you stand.
Where you stand is not where you stand.
Where you deceive yourself, that is where you stand.
You look upon something but you do not know what you see.
Lips say one thing but the says a different thing.
Look for answers, try at least to find them.
Don't go blind when you discover you do not like them.
What is there to see, what is there to be.
Body aches, police crimes, supposed justice.
How can that happen when everyone is guilty of or committed some crime.
Now, I ask you to take my mind.
Take it away.
I give it freely, it is yours to take.
But beware of the secrets they might jump out and bite you.
Enough, enough, enough of this talk.
It is time for pleasure or if you want something relaxing lets make it leisure.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
You see, you hear.
It is a clock, yes a clock.
Open your eyes, it the counting time.
Open your mind, it is count down your time.
Open your life, for time, to time.
Clock time.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Promise
" Promise "
People talk, people walk.
It is all the same.
Play the game.
It is all disconnected.
See the shore.
Beat the drum.
Watch the sun until you are blinded and numb.
People lie, people cry.
Some day people surely die.
In their hearts and mind.
People believe, people ask why.
Watch my eyes, don't watch my hands.
Do you trust me, you shouldn't, I wouldn't.
It is human nature or is it a failure.
Understand to not understand.
You can try, you can lie, You CAN lie.
You can scream, you can cry, you can plead.
It is all the same, just a game.
A game you lose to think you have won.
It is a game. It is a shame.
You promise, I promise, we promise.
Promising a promise, promise.
People walk, people talk.
It is all the same when you are covered in rain.
Feathered with blood and dust of the earth.
People promise.
Promise people.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: The Word
" The Word "
So soft, so gentle, a power connects the lines.
Time in a word and the word in time.
Crossing and testing, making the unmaking.
The word defined.
The word is the word.
It is always here and always now.
See, it is not hard to refine the word.
You know the word.
Smoke rising in the air.
Yes the word is there.
Round, round and round we go.
Going forwards, going backwards.
Going for the sake of going.
No direction, to little time.
The word is the word.
You know it and I know it.
And the word is.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Tomorrow
" Tomorrow "
As The light of fire dims slowly form the reflection of one's own eyes.
The mind trips over thoughts of dreams once gone by.
You heard a sound.
Feel a strange particle of chilled and unforgiving air.
And you know.
What is there, which awaits your coming.
It sees, it knows, it awaits your coming.
Still you watch the flames until they dwindle to nothing.
Tomorrow you will go.
Tomorrow awaits your coming.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: I Made The News And Never Knew It
" I Made The News And Never Knew It "
Rolling, turning, tumbling towards emptiness.
Dancing, flying dividing all my senses but all my eyes see is darkness.
Am I here? Do I exist? Am I dreaming? Is this reality?
It must be, why else would I be here.
A family got killed yesterday, just outside my apartment building's front door.
From my second floor apartment window, I saw it all.
Saw the car, saw the guns, blinked my eyes and the family was no more.
I think I understand a great many horrors of the world.
Maybe I just pretend to understand.
Even if I fool myself the reality and the results are still the same.
Am I awake? I hope I am awake.
I can not tell, I see images speeding through my mind.
I see wonderful colours, sometimes I see a lovely white light.
I grays and blacks of every tone, sometimes I this great darkness.
Sometimes I feel fantastic.
Other times I am in great pain.
Like bleeding, like my body ripped open.
I don't know, things get confusing at times.
NEWS AT ELEVEN: Good evening. A Mr. Stephan Gates died earlier this evening from three gun shot wounds.
Mr. Gates was shot while sitting on his second story apartment's window seat. He joins the four members of the Woods family who were also gunned down, in-front of Mr. Gates' apartment building, in the same drive-by shooting.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Poems about Society and the World-Society
Poem: Behind The Suit And Tie
" Behind The Suit And Tie "
Mash the babies against the wall.
Watch the brains fall on the floor.
Feast on them with fork and straw.
Put the bodies in a blender.
Add some fruit and ice, and give it a whirl.
Baby fruit crush, tasty, what a treat.
Baby killer, Child murderer.
Behind the suit and tie.
Child's flesh, baby's blood.
For my sex, tender beautiful little boys and girls.
Money, candy and sometimes a lost puppy is all I need.
To the little innocent ones in the car with me.
And no one will notice cause I wear a suit and tie.
No one sees.
Look at me, Look at me.
I am a respectable man with my business suit on and briefcase in hand.
I love my family, I love my friends.
I love the little ones, mmm I love to play with them.
So be aware of those in suit and tie.
Cause you never just really know, who they are inside.
Behind the suit and tie.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: I Have A Dream
" I Have A Dream "
I have a dream; poor Martin Luther King Junior.
I have a dream; yes a mighty good dream it is.
Pity because no one really wants it, everyone is actively fighting against it.
We mouth the words but how many of us really do something about it.
Most are satisfied with the status quo.
I have a dream; it is called oneness, togetherness.
But everyone want labels.
I am this, I am that and you are this, you are that.
We are this, we are that and they are this, they are that.
I am, you are, we are, they are.
I have a dream; No labels, no categories, no groups, no separatism.
Only oneness, togetherness and openness.
I have a dream; I hope for Martin's sake, for our sake.
I hope it will be.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Not Understand
" Not Understand "
When we do not understand, we go mute like dead fish.
When we do not understand, our minds slam shut like a vault door.
When we do not understand, we throw sticks and stones to chase it from their sight.
When we do not understand, we rant, rave and abuse to block the sound.
When we do not understand, we will not learn and we will not evolve.
When we do not understand, the seeds of hate grow into trees.
When we do not understand, friendship can never be and never flower.
In the end, when we do not understand killing is easier to complete.
Maybe we do not try to understand or maybe it is fear.
Maybe it is just human and our default reality.
When we do not understand, great evil becomes our history.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Women
" Women "
Why do they suffer us men.
Why do they suffer so.
The pain, the agony, the stress that we men bring.
That each time and each month that nature brings.
Men can not understand it.
Do not know it and can not feel it.
Can not even possibly imagine it.
I feel the reason is simple.
Women and nature are one and the same.
What nature is, women are.
Nature gives everything, gives it all.
It's beauty, worth, pleasures and magic.
And so women give and are the same.
Nature suffers our abuses, our destruction and our selfishness.
Nature bleeds for it, for life and for time.
And so women suffer the same.
Women the greatest of gifts and the magic of life.
And so nature is the same.
Without women we are nothing.
Without nature we all die.
And so without women it is the same.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Quick
" Quick "
Quick to judge, quick to call.
One quick glance and you know it all.
Quick to say, quick to state.
One quick thought and there is no mistake.
Quicker to hear, one word, a sentence.
And your quick to judge, think and say.
Your so quick, you haven't seen a thing.
Your so quick, you haven't heard a thing.
Your so quick, you do not really or even know.
Your so quick, you do not have the knowledge.
Your so quick, you miss all the information you need to think, judge and show.
What can you say or state.
Your so quick, you can not say a thing.
So quick, you will never never know.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier
Poem: Age To Same
" Aged To Same "
When I am ten and they are naught.
I am satan incarnate for wanting them.
When I am twenty and they are ten.
I am a monster and sick for wanting them.
When I am thirty and they are twenty.
I am considered dirty or lucky for wanting them.
When I am forty and they are thirty.
I am no longer dirty but still lucky for wanting them.
When I am fifty and they are forty.
This people say is nature for wanting them.
When I am sixty and they are fifty.
We are aged to same.
By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier