Sunday, 9 March 2008

Poems about Society and the World-Society

All these poems are about society. Mainly they express the negative points in society. For example the poem "Behind The Suit And Tie" talks about how we as a society rely on image/appearance to establish credibility. We see someone in business attire and we think that they must be a respectable person. But most of the worlds most evil people throughout history dressed and gave an image of respectability. Another poem "I Have A Dream" talks about how we are given/shown a path to improve our world but we do not take this opportunity because we feel it is too difficult or we really do not want to do it because we are satisfied with the status-quo. Other poems talk about how we are small minded and selfish or how we use religion or cultural differences to breed intolerance and at times hate. I hope you will enjoy these poems of mine and I hope that they make you think about your society on a local to an international scale. We may not have the power to do something about social problems but we all have the power to think, say and write something about society and it's problems. Here are the titles: "Behind the Suit & Tie", "I Have a Dream", "Not Understand", "Women", "Quick", "Age to Same", "All the Same", "Convicted by Society", "I Don't Want to Hear it", "The Undefeated Opponent", "Drowning", "White Trash", "In the Name of God" & "A Baby Cries". If you have any comments and/or questions, please feel free to add them. Syrbastyian

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