Sunday, 9 March 2008

Poem: I Have A Dream

" I Have A Dream "

I have a dream; poor Martin Luther King Junior.

I have a dream; yes a mighty good dream it is.

Pity because no one really wants it, everyone is actively fighting against it.

We mouth the words but how many of us really do something about it.

Most are satisfied with the status quo.

I have a dream; it is called oneness, togetherness.

But everyone want labels.

I am this, I am that and you are this, you are that.

We are this, we are that and they are this, they are that.

I am, you are, we are, they are.

I have a dream; No labels, no categories, no groups, no separatism.

Only oneness, togetherness and openness.

I have a dream; I hope for Martin's sake, for our sake.

I hope it will be.

By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier

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