Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Poems about My Thoughts

These poems are about random thoughts that just came to me. These poems wrote themselves and I was not really aware of what I was writing until after I had finished and read it for myself. I like this way of writing poems because there is a purity in the writing when you are not fully aware of what you are creating or flowing out of you through the pen and on to the page. Of course if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to express them. Here are the titles of the poems: "The Finer Art Of Happiness", "Woe", "Year End", "Sharing My Dream", "Sleep", "Staying", "Going Out", "I'm Looking Back", "My Favourite Past Time", "Neon Lights", "Children", "Cold", "Death", "Fascinating", "A Generation" & "An Idea". Syrbastyian Vzampfyier

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Please be completely and utterly open and honest. Say what you truly think and believe NOT what others think or believe. Please do not write a one line comment. If you are going to say something then SAY SOMETHING with that encompasses you.