Sunday, 9 March 2008

Poem: The Undefeated Opponent

" The Undefeated Opponent "

White is the night, the clouds have fallen down.

Four thousand hooves travelling under the ground.

The earth splits and opens its mouth, swallowing the surface.

Disaster is about.

Vacuum overfilled with an in rush of air.

Puts stress on the northern hemisphere.

Barometer readings falling in rapid degrees.

Sky opens up and everything concedes.

Stand on that spot just a little longer.

Take a look over your left shoulder.

Could you destroy all that you see.

Do you safe and protected, well not me.

Daylight growing shorter, nights getting colder.

Winter, brown leaves caught in a circular breeze.

But maybe no more winters.

It only takes a few degrees.

Volcanic eruptions throw fire in all directions.

Underwater eruptions, building walls of immense destruction.

They will come, will come crashing down.

Levelling what used to be mountains.

Stand on that spot just a little longer.

Take a look over your right shoulder.

Do you think we can destroy all that you see.

It will continue, even if we are not here to see.

We could eliminate a trillions species.

We could nuke all our cities.

But when it is all said and done.

Nature will continue, it has already won.

By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier

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