Unclouded by emotions, untainted by special-interests, unfettered by sentiment. The Economist, bringing you the clarity that you need to make those important decisions. "If only our leaders could be the same".
Written and endorsed by me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
I would be the first one to admit that I have never really been that interested in economics and know very little about economics. So it may come as I surprise to you that I would recommend an economic magazine.
Around 6 months ago I had some time to kill while I was waiting to met a friend, so I decided to buy a magazine to read to fill the time. The only decent magazine that the shop was The Economist. I bought it and went to a cafe to have an espresso and read to kill the time. I thought that it was going to be a boring read, but to my great surprise The Economist was a delight to read.
I found the articles insightful and easy to read, I also like that fact that it is written in a clear manner without the emotions and/or special-interests that cloud or taint most other magazine writing.
Maybe it is because they write from an economic view point, it enables them to see with a clarity that brings out the real information and also allows them to view all sides of the story. No matter what the subject; politics, policy, crime, health, terrorism, war, science & technology, their writing offers an insight that will enable you to make your own informed decision with clear headiness.
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