For many generations and for many generations to come, Coca-Cola has being a tiny part of our daily life. From events big and small Coca-Cola has been there giving you that refreshing taste and and bubbles of joy. "Coca-Cola, not just the next generation but every generation".
Written and endorsed by me, Syrbastyian Vzampfyier.
The other day I was sitting, in Gyousen Koen 行船公園 江戸川区西葛西 (Japan, Tokyo, Edogawa-ku, Nishikaisai), drinking a can of coke.
I started thinking about it and I realised that for as long as I could remember Coca-Cola the drink and the company has always in some shape or form been apart of my life. Not just my life but probably most people's lives as well.
Thinking about even more the same is true for my parents, grand-parents and great-grand-parents. There are very few drink makes, other than alcohol makers, could say the same thing.
We may all stop drinking coke from time to time but guaranteed that we will drink it at least once or twice a year and that is something that pepsi and the other drink makers can not state.
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