Monday, 12 December 2011


Essay Eight

Mind Mapping

By Syrbastyian Vzampfyier

In an EFL/ESL class mind mapping is a useful tool to help students retain and remember information. Students should be encouraged to use one notebook for mind mapping.

There are two very useful ways in which the students can use mind mapping to enhance their language skills, retain and remember new information. The first is to use their mind mapping notebook as a way to note down the key points of a day’s lesson or second as a way to retain, remember and use vocabulary.

Vocabulary usually does not have a stand-alone quality. Vocabulary needs to be used with other vocabulary and smaller function words to create sentences that have meaning and value for the speaker and listener. This is was mind mapping can be a very powerful tool in language building, sentence creation and developing communication.

How does vocabulary mind mapping work? First the student writes a new word, for example; a noun, in the centre of a page in the mind mapping notebook. Then they make branches coming off the new word. Each branch has a title for example: actions (verbs), adjectives, other connected nouns, places, times, people, synonyms, etc. On each branch the students write words that fit into the branches title and that are connect or associated to the new word in the centre of the mind map.

This helps the student remember the word plus it builds connects to other vocabulary that is need to be able to use the new word in a sentence to express the students ideas. The multiple associations and connection help the student retain the word, its meaning and its use. In addition to this the mind map creates positive feedback back for the students when they review their mind mapping notebooks and see how many words they have written on each page. Furthermore the students can continue adding more connected words to a page. As the mind maps increase in number the students will start to link separate mind maps into categories plus see how the same word or words can be used in different areas and ways.

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