One of my friends, CHICAKO YAMASHITA ( 山下千香子 ), recently had a exhibition of her photographic art work.
The title of the exhibition was " SHIMMERING " or " YURAGI ( ゆらぎ ) " in Japanese.
I really like her work and I believe that you too will also like her work.
Chicako also does commercial work as well, so if you want to get the perfect image or photograph for your business needs, wall art - decorative, personal request, etc then Chikako is the person you must definitely hire.
Here are the links to her web-site and blog:
Here are some examples of her art: The photographs at the beginning of this (top, 2 female models) are fashion shots for a magazine and the one below are her own personal art (work).
Chicako Yamashita/ photographer&writer
Born in Tokyo.
Completed the professional photographers’ course of TSG(Tokyo Shashin Gakuen/ Tokyo Photography School).
Studied video making at London College of Communication (Formerly named: London College of Printing), University of the Arts London.
2006 group exhibition“Colors; Superb Photographers 022”,“2008 Prints Exhibition "(@ T’s salon, Tokyo)
2008group exhibition“2008 Prints Exhibition”(@CCAA Ramp-zaka Gallery, Tokyo)
Born in Tokyo.
Completed the professional photographers’ course of TSG(Tokyo Shashin Gakuen/ Tokyo Photography School).
Studied video making at London College of Communication (Formerly named: London College of Printing), University of the Arts London.
2006 group exhibition“Colors; Superb Photographers 022”,“2008 Prints Exhibition "(@ T’s salon, Tokyo)
2008group exhibition“2008 Prints Exhibition”(@CCAA Ramp-zaka Gallery, Tokyo)
山下千香子/ヤマシタチカコ フォトグラファー&ライター Profile 東京生まれ、横浜育ち。 東京写真学園プロコース本科修了。大学卒業後、会社勤めを経て渡英。ロンドン芸術大学London College of Printing (現London College of Communication)でビデオ制作を中心に学ぶ。帰国後は編集プロダクションにて主に映画関連の書籍・フリーペーパーなどの編集・取材・執筆を幅広くこなす。2005年に独立し、フォトグラファー&ライターとして活動中。 Exhibitions 2006年 グループ展「Colors~極上写真家022~」(東京・渋谷 T’s salon) 2008年 グループ展「2008枚展」(東京・四谷 CCAAランプ坂ギャラリー) |
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