Tuesday, 24 November 2009

TOEIC Books on Sale





書名:新TOEIC(R) TEST 必達 550点〔リスニング編〕
出版日 11月25日

書籍名: 新TOEIC(R)TEST必達550点〔リーディング編〕
著者名: 松本恵美子
価格: 945円(税込み)
ISBN-10: 4-532-40578-5
ISBN-13: 978-4-532-40578-6
出版社: 日本経済新聞

Well the books went on sale in the book store in Japan on Sunday (22nd November 2009). 

I went and check out a few book store to see how the books were selling. The "Listening" book is selling more that the "Reading" one but this is understandable since most Japanese struggle more with listening part of the Toeic test than the reading part. 

I do hope that the books are a marvelous success, Emiko (The author) has worked hard on them to make a book that will benefit everyone wishing to take the Toeic test. 

With this I have put Emiko Matsumoto's photograph, Bio-info and a link to her blog {Click the title of my blog} (sorry all in Japanese). Plus as you can better pictures of the two books and there covers.  So what are you waiting, quickly run to the book-store, jump on-line and buy the books today, no now, before they are all sold out. Seriously everyone, they are wonderful books and will definitely help anyone wanting to get a better score in the Toeic test. So I do highly recommend that you buy them for yourself, someone you know or please recommend them. Furthermore the cool thing about the books is the size: large enough to be read easily but small enough to be carry in a bag, jacket-pocket. So you can use the books basically anywhere plus with the listening section being down-loadable, well you are free to practice just about anywhere. 

Enjoy everyone.

Syrbastyian (Amaya)   

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