" The Magical Castle, Yellow Room "
Once upon a time there lived a most lovely and amazing cute princess, who lived a magical castle in the land of Easthugeisland.
One day the princess decided that she wanted to eat yellow-marshmallows, so she went to the yellow-room, where all the yellow things are kept in the magical castle, but she could not find the yellow-marshmallows.
Where are the yellow-marshmallows, she asked herself.
She had looked everywhere: in the yellow-wardrobe, under the yellow-tables, behind the yellow-curtains. Everywhere yellow and anything yellow she looked in, under, behind, beside, above, on top of, below, around just everywhere! and still she could not find the yellow-marshmallows.
She was feeling very tired and a little sad, and was about to give up on her search for the yellow-marshmallows.
When all of a sudden she realised that, that morning, she had just created yellow-marshmallows because she had dreamt of roasting yellow-marshmallows for the picnic next week in her dream.
Happy with her self discovery, she set about asking her servants (who would do anything for the amazing cute and wonderful princess) to make yellow-marshmallows to roast at the amazingly wonderful picnic next week.
Tomorrow she will be able to wake up to the delight of knowing that next week she will be able to roast yellow-marshmallows the amazingly wonderful picnic.
And, life was wonderful and fantastic for the most lovely and amazingly cute princess.
She lived her days happily ever after.
"The end."
By Syrbastyian (Amaya) Vzampfyier
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