MTP: 14
朝日 光 暖かい コーヒー タバコ 愛 楽しく 楽しく 新年もうちょっと 新しいlife
MTP: 13
We strive for peace but still we hurt & kill.
We want peace but still we don't do want needs to be.
Do we want it, are we willing to fight for peace.
MTP: 12
I hurt but the pain will go away.
The memory of it takes longer to fade.
Its my choice to feel this pain.
For through it my nirvana will be gained.
MTP: 11
Could have been a racist, if it wasn't Martin Luther King.
Would have been a racist, if it wasn't for "I have a dream".
It hit at the time, it hit me at 13.
MTP: 10
This hunger it eats at me.
I eat yet it doesn't fill me.
This burns in me, burns me.
It grows, never stops.
The hunger is you , the hunger is me.
MTP: 9
Look at yourself, hold a mirror up.
Do you see yourself or a self lie.
How you treat others may give a clue.
But do you know you?!
MTP: 8
Violence was my parent.
It became my destroyer, my enemy.
It grew to become my friend, my understanding.
Now my savour cause I can but choose not.
MTP: 7
You can hurt me but it'll never be enough.
You can kill me but live again.
You can destroy me but I rise stronger.
I am love eternal.
MTP: 6
There are many in need.
Should I help.
Don't know them, not friends.
If I don't then who am I, what I am.
To give a helping hand.
In this, true humanity.
MTP: 5
Strength, bravery, faith, belief, confidence & trust are the pure qualities needed.
If you choose to give someone the power over you.
The power over you to make you weak.
MTP: 4
In darkness you give me light.
When the fears take me your embrace is my haven.
I'm strong but with you I'm become Hercules.
MTP: 3
I change, evolve.
Improve myself to be better & greater than before.
Now I change again: in small & large ways.
I shall become perfect.
MTP: 2
So it is close to hand.
I am unstoppable in making this true.
My force of will makes it so.
MTP: 1
My dream became a wish.
This wish became a hope,
and the hope is slowly becoming a reality.