Saturday, 20 March 2010

New Toeic Books

Recently, I have been working on the new version of the Toeic books written by Emiko Matsumoto. (Click the TOEIC label at the bottom of this post to see past post about the first set of books.) 

I have finish the first draft, which Emiko had sent me, Listening: parts 1, 2, 3 & 4, and Reading: parts 5 & 6. With Reading part 7 still yet to do.

Everything looks very good and I hope that these books, when they are published, sell well. 
The target score for these books is 450, aim at the beginner Toeic test taker or first time taker. 
Though, for those of you who have a higher ability, I would still recommend the new books as well because they have some useful points for all levels and abilities.

Well that is for now, however I we keep you all in the loop (= up dated) on the progress of the books plus their likely publishing dates & pricing.

Also please check out Emiko's blog. It has lots of useful information for those of you who are going to take the Toeic test or are interested in Toeic. Just click the link or click on her name "Emiko" to be (re)directed to her blog page.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Cove, Green Peace & other Warmongers

May I ask why as Americans (and increasing Australians & New Zealanders as well, sad really becoming like Americans) you try to force other cultures to conform to what you deem is acceptable.

Japan and the other whale/dolphin eating nations have been fishing these food resources for over 1000 years. Their fishing activities have had little (basically no) impact on either whales or dolphins numbers. In fact it was the western countries (the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, western European countries, etc) greed that decimated the whale/dolphin numbers, not as falsely stated the whale eating nations.

Furthermore, that attacks on Japan have a strong element of racial, Sweden and Norway hunt whales too but I guess since they are white it is ok for them, considering the makers of "The Cove" and members of Green Peace also other groups tend to be WHITE MIDDLE-CLASS (in many cases: ignorant) moralizing missionaries.

Questions, should India start making documentaries about Americans (Westerners) eating and mistreatment of cattle and how cattle are treated as  only materials and a manufacturing process, now that would be interesting.
Or how about Muslims, Jewish campaigning and to show their disgust for westerners eating pork.

It is just other form of racism or prejudice, food-racism, basically we (westerners) don't eat it so other people/cultures shouldn't be allowed to eat it as well.

America! think before you talk. And learn to respect other cultures, your culture is good but it is far from perfect. Westerners seem to have the belief that they are the saviors of the world and are here to teach and force other cultures to change, what they deem to be inferior, barbaric &, or primitive, ways.
No consideration of the cultural, social, economic destruction their actions may cause  or their impact on the local communities.
No! these so-called earth-friendly groups just come to some place and tell, demand, the people there to stop/ change a practice because it is wrong (wrong in western eyes). Now, isn't this just high arrogance.

Yes! these groups are WAR-MONGERS because their actions are attacks and if they were done on a country to country level, they would be considered acts of war. These groups also physically attack local communities and people (fishermen, farmers, hunters, shopkeepers, eating-places) who are only trying to making a living to support their families. Then when the local people defend themselves against the attacks, perpetuated by the so-called earth-friendly groups, these groups complain. The groups seem to think that it is ok for them to attack anyone but it is wrong for local people to defend themselves from the physical and verbal attacks.

Case in point; Greenpeace commit acts of piracy against fishermen, Greenpeace physically attack the fishermen and sometimes hurt them. Greenpeace deem these acceptable actions and consequences, but when the fishermen fight back; Greenpeace cry foul to the whole world.

Yes, I understand that these groups are trying to improve the planet in some way, but they are all hypocrites because they demand that people of other cultures, lower economics status, developing / undeveloped areas, etc change and, or stop their historical-traditional-cultural practices first. These groups should concentrate on their own countries/cultures first, once they have done that then may ask, yes ask, not demand that others join their cause. This will not occur though because these groups think they are somehow holy and righteous, that they the only ones who can save the planet and any person or culture that gets in the way of this must be destroyed. Of course, they would not say this directly, but this is their intended purpose.

Me, by writing this will most likely be attacked for my criticism of the so-called earth-friendly groups because like religion, the church (all forms) and (some) governments, any criticism must crushed and any type of opposition to their position must be eliminated i.e. they are right and just, everyone else who disagrees is Wrong, Stupid, Satan or Criminal.

I do agree that Japan should not call its fishing of whales, etc "scientific". No Japan should say: "We are fishing whales as a food resource and if you don't like it, well that is your opinion but we are not going to stop just (some) westerners have guilt because they cause most (if not all) of the environmental problems.". Basically, the to hell with you westerners and Two/One finger up to you.

Beside the international community can decide a quota system; stating how much each country can fish. I am quite sure the whale-eating countries would readily accept this. We as citizens of the Earth must respect all cultures and traditions, whether we like them or not.
There is room for all things. If these traditions and cultures naturally died out then so be it. But it must be because this is a natural flow of things, all cultures will die some day. We do not need to force the issue because we deem it wrong through know cultural perception.

One final point or should I say rant:
Don't you vegetarians and vegans start feeling all smug and self righteous. Your activities cause just much threat to animals and the environment as anyone else. Pray tell you may ask!?
Well since you consume planet matter and this material requires land and lots of it, which in turn requires the clearing of natural habitats that displaces and will endanger a large number of planet and animal species. It requires far more land to produce plant based source food than it does animal based source food. Plus the land need to grow the food is the same land that wild species also need.

Hydroponics I hear you say, well mmm, yes, actually NO. For minimal land use, yes you have a point. But as for water conservation no. True they recycle the water but that can only be done a limited amount of time before they need to add more "fresh" water. also they need to add nutrients to the water so the plants can grow and this comes for bio-waste: old food, vegetation and manure, the last one requires animals. And in all likelihood you people would start complaining about the treatment of animals to get the manure.

Warmongers, now why would I place such a description of these earthy-friendly groups. Well it is because be it directly or indirectly they encourage people to commits acts of violence just as surely as religion, politics and  national-pride as well as the leaders that represent these. Therefore they are no better than any other group that allows it's members, supporters, followers, etc that stand by and allow these actions to occur.

That is it everyone I have had my say. I leave you with a final thought.

NATURE does not care, Nature just keeps on moving.
Kill all the animal life; nature does not care,
Kill all the plant life; nature does not care,
Kill all the human life; nature does not care.
Nature just continues to move on.
It make no difference to nature.
And that is the point,
Nature Does NOT CARE.
Only we do, silly humans.

Syrbastyian (Amaya)