MTP: 14
朝日 光 暖かい コーヒー タバコ 愛 楽しく 楽しく 新年もうちょっと 新しいlife
MTP: 13
We strive for peace but still we hurt & kill.
We want peace but still we don't do want needs to be.
Do we want it, are we willing to fight for peace.
MTP: 12
I hurt but the pain will go away.
The memory of it takes longer to fade.
Its my choice to feel this pain.
For through it my nirvana will be gained.
MTP: 11
Could have been a racist, if it wasn't Martin Luther King.
Would have been a racist, if it wasn't for "I have a dream".
It hit at the time, it hit me at 13.
MTP: 10
This hunger it eats at me.
I eat yet it doesn't fill me.
This burns in me, burns me.
It grows, never stops.
The hunger is you , the hunger is me.
MTP: 9
Look at yourself, hold a mirror up.
Do you see yourself or a self lie.
How you treat others may give a clue.
But do you know you?!
MTP: 8
Violence was my parent.
It became my destroyer, my enemy.
It grew to become my friend, my understanding.
Now my savour cause I can but choose not.
MTP: 7
You can hurt me but it'll never be enough.
You can kill me but live again.
You can destroy me but I rise stronger.
I am love eternal.
MTP: 6
There are many in need.
Should I help.
Don't know them, not friends.
If I don't then who am I, what I am.
To give a helping hand.
In this, true humanity.
MTP: 5
Strength, bravery, faith, belief, confidence & trust are the pure qualities needed.
If you choose to give someone the power over you.
The power over you to make you weak.
MTP: 4
In darkness you give me light.
When the fears take me your embrace is my haven.
I'm strong but with you I'm become Hercules.
MTP: 3
I change, evolve.
Improve myself to be better & greater than before.
Now I change again: in small & large ways.
I shall become perfect.
MTP: 2
So it is close to hand.
I am unstoppable in making this true.
My force of will makes it so.
MTP: 1
My dream became a wish.
This wish became a hope,
and the hope is slowly becoming a reality.
Hi my name is Syrbastyian Vzampfyier. This blog is about expressing the things I think and feel plus it will also include letters I have written plus my poems and thoughts. I hope you will enjoy reading everything and I hope that my mind may advance yours and your mind advance mine as well. Thank you all, Syrbastyian.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Saint Paul's (Rikkyo) University 立教大学
As some of you may know, on Thursdays I taught at Rikkyo University (aka: St Paul's) for a semester. I will be teaching there again starting this October but this time on Monday's and Thursday's.
Rikkyo is a very pretty university and has an English look to it. I recommend it for the visual pleasure of it.
I enjoy the classes I taught there and the students are wonderful. The course theme I selected was to discuss about a company that the students would like to work at someday in the future or they just are interested in a particular company.
At the end of the course each student had to presentation on the information we talked about in class and their research into the company they choose. All of the students amazing well, considering the fact that they had to study and prepare for exams & reports. I am very proud of all of them.
If I were to give an M.V.P. award, it would go to Ryousuke for the amount of research he did and the passion in which he displayed. I sincerely hope that he does try to join the company hr did his presentation on.
My final words to him, and for everyone is: "Nothing is impossible, but not to try must be impossible" and "Just try, the worst they can say is no".
To all the students, I wish the the greatest success in your future endeavours and hopefully we may meet again.
(Above, some photographs of some I the students in my classes.)
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Fun Run & Octoberfest.
Hey everyone,
On the 16th of October 2010 Saturday there will be a fun run in Yokohama, Tsuzuki-ward (ku), Kanagawa. It is organized by the the German School in Japan, German German-Japan friendship association with support of the German Embassy.
It is the 150th anniversary of the treaty and friendship between Japan and German plus 106th anniversary of the establishment of the German school in Japan.
I highly commend you come out for a great day.
I highly commend you come out for a great day.
If the run is not for you, then the German October fest will be just the treat for you.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Atheists OUT OPEN
Atheists have always been at the forefront of rational thinking and beacons of enlightenment, and now you can share your idealism by being part of the OUT Campaign.
Atheists are far more numerous than most people realize. COME OUT of the closet! You'll feel liberated, and your example will encourage others to COME OUT too. (Don't "out" anybody else, wait for them to OUT themselves when they are ready to do so).
The OUT Campaign allows individuals to let others know they are not alone. It can also be a nice way of opening a conversation and help to demolish the negative stereotypes of atheists. Let the world know that we are not about to go away and that we are not going to allow those that would condemn us to push us into the shadows.
As more and more people join the OUT Campaign, fewer and fewer people will feel intimidated by religion. We can help others understand that atheists come in all shapes, sizes, colours and personalities. We are labourers and professionals. We are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and grandparents. We are human (we are primates) and we are good friends and good citizens. We are good people who have no need to cling to the supernatural.
It is time to let our voices be heard regarding the intrusion of religion in our schools and politics. Atheists along with millions of others are tired of being bullied by those who would force their own religious agenda down the throats of our children and our respective governments. We need to KEEP OUT the supernatural from our moral principles and public policies.
It is time to step up and...
Atheists are far more numerous than most people realize. COME OUT of the closet! You'll feel liberated, and your example will encourage others to COME OUT too. (Don't "out" anybody else, wait for them to OUT themselves when they are ready to do so).
The OUT Campaign allows individuals to let others know they are not alone. It can also be a nice way of opening a conversation and help to demolish the negative stereotypes of atheists. Let the world know that we are not about to go away and that we are not going to allow those that would condemn us to push us into the shadows.
As more and more people join the OUT Campaign, fewer and fewer people will feel intimidated by religion. We can help others understand that atheists come in all shapes, sizes, colours and personalities. We are labourers and professionals. We are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and grandparents. We are human (we are primates) and we are good friends and good citizens. We are good people who have no need to cling to the supernatural.
It is time to let our voices be heard regarding the intrusion of religion in our schools and politics. Atheists along with millions of others are tired of being bullied by those who would force their own religious agenda down the throats of our children and our respective governments. We need to KEEP OUT the supernatural from our moral principles and public policies.
It is time to step up and...
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on
This is a must see. Sir Ken Robinson ideas in education are what education should strive to accomplish.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
" Education and the PTA, Parents "
Education and the PTA, Parents:
The people, the systems and how they do more harm than good.
Why am I against the education system, the people in education and the PTA. Actually I am not, I just believe that the systems have failed or don’t work; the people don’t (really) know what to do, can not the see the problems in front of them or don’t try. Parents and the PTA, though they care, only interfere and create more difficulties.
In this I will discuss each, Education System and the PTA - Parents, and explain why I think they have created more bad than good. At the end of each I will then provide possible solutions and, or alternatives.
Note; that I will not go into great detail, for I am sure most people are well aware of the many problems in education and conflicts with the PTA-parents. Furthermore I do not want this to turn into a book or paper; there are many on the subject and most of them are not worth the paper they are printed on. Lastly I am not an expert and gladly so. Experts are the major problem with education because experts are limited by the knowledge of their field, which is base on one or two topics/themes. They can not see or think beyond their specific field and are therefore trapped in the box of their expertise. Plus experts can not be trusted for they have a self-interest in keeping things as they are because if things were to change, their expertise would be no longer needed. In addition, experts do not (more likely can not) deal in randomness – they only deal in bell-curves but life is not a bell-curve, life is random and full of black-swans but that is a topic for another discussion.
My hope is that my words will provide food for thought and as a springboard to actually create solutions and new ideas to elevate education to the next levels not only for the benefit of children and teenagers but also for adults returning education or to further their education.
Let’s start the emotional storm and the part that will get people angered the most: The PTA; namely parents.
Yes I know their intentions are only for good and they just want the best for their children, but this is the point: “They only want the best for THEIR (own) child or children.
Every topic and, or problem discussed by them is only view from the perspective of what is best for their own child. They do not, more likely cannot, see the points in a collective sense, that is what is best for all the children in the school (district). In this the PTA -parents place restrictions on what the teachers and schools are able to do, and greatly interfere with the education of not only their own child but all children.
To illustrate the point: In many countries’ primary (elementary) schools, and to some extent in middle-schools as well, there is a policy of “no winners or losers”, every student must not be made to feel that they have a greater or lesser ability than their fellow students.
Fine you say. Where’s the harm in this? - The harm is in the fact that life is not like this. In life there are winners & losers, haves & have-nots, talented & untalented, and the intelligent & unintelligent. This is dramatically demonstrated quite soon once children enter high school and they learn, with the brute force of a hammer to the head, that life is not equal and definitely not fair. So while parents think they are helping and protecting their own child, they are actually not.
This no winners, no losers philosophy/policy is not only about sport or physical education, though in these areas the idea is just as damaging, it is in all aspects of primary/elementary school education for example:
- In lowering the amount of information and work assigned in the classroom.
- Giving (too) easy to accomplish homework assignments, setting no homework and, or allowing homework not to be done.
- Lowering the passing percentage/grade for classroom administered tests, end-of-term/semester exams, bi-yearly exams and end-of-year/final exams.
- By lowering or reducing to zero the amount of (minor) negative experiences, which will benefit the child later in life.
This is only one example of parents good and well meaning intentions that, in the reality of life, do more harm than good. And this is from level-headed parents. “Monster”, “Devil”, “Demon” parents investing all their efforts to protect their children from every negative aspect and wrap the children in protective padding, are the ones who do the greatest damage their children’s (future) life and to a greater or lesser extent their lives of other children as well. The names for these types of parents is justifiable because they high-jack education for the own cause and frighten people away from taking real-world actions that will improve education for all. Actually they should be called terrorist because, like terrorist, their activities paralyze education and their thinking is insanely fanatical.
I do understand their need and desire to only want the best for their children, but this tunnel-vision focus blinds them many many wonderful opportunities to improve education for all, which in turn can only benefit their children.
Finally, the focus points of the PTA / Parents {the actions they the parents would like / want the teachers and schools to take} only are on the immediate and, or short term needs of their children. How short, either only from the year the child is in (e.g. Grade 5) to the time the child will be in that school. Indeed this immediate / short-term focus would be funny, if it did not serious consequences because what they decide is best to do in one moment they will decide it is not the best the next moment. This brings us individualising; parents with two or more children rarely think about the education of their children as a group (unless they are the same age). It is not that they can not think about how education applies to all their children, it is just that they tend to think about how education applies to each child on an individual bases. Unfortunately, and what usually happens is that what they think is best for one child may have negative impacts on the other children and vice versa.
So am I proposing that parents should not be involved in schools and education?
Well no and yes.
In the actual education of their children the PTA / parents should not be involved or have their involvement limited to only a support capacity.
Homework, projects, assignments and extra-curricular studies/activities; in these areas parents are extremely important for the child’s learning as a support mechanism to provide encouragement and as a resource or knowledge-bank for the child.
The actual education and teaching of their children NO!
The only exception is those in home-schooling or in distance-learning. For these situations parents actually have a separate role as teacher. The roles of parent and teacher must be separated as much as possible i.e. when they are a parent, they ARE a parent and when they are a teacher, they ARE a TEACHER. They must try their best to keep the two roles separated; even the language they use must be divided between parent language and teacher language.
Every other non-educational area, parents are a must and their involvement is greatly needed in supporting teachers and the schools. This could something simple like buying a ticket for a school raffle or more significant such as fund-raising to help the school finance educational trips/excursions, building/ground maintenance, buying new/replacement material/equipment, assisting teachers and schools with non-teaching duties, etc.
In these and all other non-teaching/educating roles, duties and activities the involvement of parents is a must for without parents, schools would crumble and could even die. Plus parents provide that essential connection to the community that all schools must have to give a sense of identity, social bonding and togetherness.
What to do – For the children? As I previously stated, parents’ greatest beneficial role for their children is in supporting the children. Once a child has left the school grounds, parents must step up and become an active part of their child's studies. For example, ensuring that homework, assignment and projects are done. They must tie the completion of these to real world remuneration, benefits and bonus rewards: Giving extra pocket-money, a day off from household-chores, more mobile phone/computer game time and, or a special treat for finishing all their tasks of the week/month, etc. Or a decrease in pocket-money, more household-chores, no mobile-phone/ computer games for a week and, or groundings, etc. In these, parents will not only provide positive task-completion focus and motivation for the child to actively further their own education but also advantage their children with invaluable life lessons.
What to do – For the schools? Again as mention before, parents can get involve (and must be involved) in the schools by helping the schools financially or by volunteering to do duties / activities, take on responsibilities to help the schools in many ways large and small.
What they must avoid is dictating or corrupting education and what is taught in the classrooms for their own special wants. Remember, education is about learning/teaching large variety of things, which will expand the child’s knowledge, help to be creative / innovative & think in new ways, and most important give them the necessary skills to deal with and, or succeed in the real (globally-connected / competitive) world.
Education is NOT what the PTA or parents deem appropriate because of some social, culture, economic and, or religious bias / prejudice. These bias of forcing what is deem appropriate (usually by a small but vocal and influential number of PTA-members / parents) or blocking particular subjects has major consequences and by doing so only limits children in acquiring the needed skills for real-world-life. If parents want these other things to be learnt by their children then the parents themselves can teach that in their own homes.
In conclusion, parents’ and the PTA’s tunnel-view of only focusing on the needs of THEIR own children and not all children as a whole coupled with their narrow focus on the immediate to short-term benefits have had negative impacts on education. In addition these, the forcing and, or blocking curriculum changes to meet the PTA / parents limited / shortsighted world views only disadvantages the children in learn the skills to meet real world challenges in their adult-future. This started when the first PTA’s began to get involved in education and has become ever increasingly intrusive, disruptive, corrupting and had dumbing effects on education. While I understand that parents are only trying to their level best to ensure that their children receive the very best education possible. Their demands / requests / wishes on actual education and teachers only results in creating negative affects and damage the very education that all children need.
So this brings us to the end of the first part on Education & the PTA, Parents. In the next part I will discuss the failing education system and the people in the system.
I hope that I have provided some food for thought. Please keep a look out for the next part. I very much look forward to your comments and thoughts.
La MUMEI ROU - むめい狼
La MUMEI ROU - むめい狼,
This a very good restaurant.
The food is wonderful: A mixture and fusion of Japanese and European tastes.
The atmosphere and décor is relaxing and pleasing
They have three seating positions; Open area, wooden booths with a rustic look and at the counter where you can watch the excellent chefs cook and prepare dishes.
I highly recommend this place.
They are located in Tokyo, Nerima-ku, Nerima. It is about 3 minutes from Nerima Station.
The telephone number is: 03 5949 3921
The fax number is: 03 5946 3920
There address is: 1 - 22 - 6 Nerima, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, 176-0001
176-0001 東京都練馬区練馬1丁目22番6号
Check out this website for more info:
Friday, 21 May 2010
New TO|EIC BOOK: One Minute Master
Hi everyone, the new Toeic book written by Emiko Matsumoto and corrected by me is on sale now in major book stores in Tokyo. Here is a link to the site on the new book plus the listening download that accompanies the book

Friday, 7 May 2010
Replead of the statue of limitations of Murder: No Rest for the wicked
“ No rest for the wicked “
Japan recent passed a new law rescinding the statute of limitations on Murder. Now those who take the life of another person will be hunted down until the end of their days on this earth. They will have nowhere to hide, and forever will have to worry and stress about being captured, arrested, trialed, convicted & sentence to imprisonment or capital punishment (the death penalty).
Consider the situation before the law was changed, where the victims (or I should say the victim’s family) may not get the justice they deserve and need. Image that one of your love ones has been murdered and the police through lack of evidence, stupidity and, or laziness can not find the murderer before the limitation. The murderer having successfully avoided capture was now free to talk about their crime, write books, movies or appear in the media and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Why it has taken so long for lawmakers to propose and pass this law?
Why have the police not pushed for the statue to be abolished before now?
Is it because they did not care, was it because they were/are lazy?
Is it because they were taking money or other favours from organized-crime groups, who would be very much in danger of this law change?
In any case, the law has been change and this is a great, No! a tremendous, advancement for Japan and for the many victims, who can not get justice for themselves, and the families of the victims, who now can have the knowledge and comfort that whomever killed their love-ones will be hunted down for as long as it takes to bring the murderer to justice.
More importantly it means that those victims of murder, who have no family, no friends, no who will push their case will also may get justice. This is the most important point of the new law change that without anyone to fight for their cause will get the honour and respect they deserve. People who have no-one and who are murdered, their life means something, they are not nothing, they mean something, they do count.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Japan, The Constitution & The United Nations
International Law v.s Domestic (National) Laws:
(Japanese Constitution v.s. United Nations – Resolutions/Membership participation)
The role of Japan in international conflicts is a paradox of laws, rights, ideas and philosophies.
Firstly the constitution of Japan (namely article 9.) forbids Japan from participating in acts of aggression against another nation and from maintaining a military force that could participate in such acts. However Japan is a member of the U.N. And therefore as a member it is duty bound to take in some part U.N. Military mission. This is further compounded by the that Japan also wishes to become a member of the U.N. Security Council.
So Japan has a problem and some choices to make before it can full adult member of the world society.
(A) Japan chances it’s contitution so that Japanese law allows it to participate in all U.N. (military) mission fully and completely under the rule of the U.N.
(B) Japan keeps their constitution basically the same but provides only financial and, or logistical support to U.N. Missions, which what Japan basically does at present.
(C) Japan becomes a truly neutral nation like Switzerland, resign from the United Nations and just confines itself to purely humanitarian activities, which require no military support and, or participation.
Option “C” seems the best choice for Japan at the present. It avoids many the complicated issues, especially those with it’s past history with China and Korea, furthermore if Japan chooses to become a neutral nation then China and Korea have nothing to comment or complain about, and makes their concerns about the past a non-issue.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Hi eveyryone.
Just to let you know. Matsumoto has written, with correction and checking from me, a new set of Toeic books.
The titles are 新TOEIC TEST 1分間マスター「リスニング編」 and 新TOEIC TEST 1分間マスター「リーディング編」.
新Shin(new) Toeic Test 1 分間pun-kan(minute time) マスターmasuta(master ) リスニングrisuningu (listening) and リーディングrideingu (reading).
They will probably on on sale in Japan in 1 or 2 month. As before they will be publish by Nippon keizai shimbun (日本経済新聞社).
Here are the advance copies of the probable covers:
Just to let you know. Matsumoto has written, with correction and checking from me, a new set of Toeic books.
The titles are 新TOEIC TEST 1分間マスター「リスニング編」 and 新TOEIC TEST 1分間マスター「リーディング編」.
新Shin(new) Toeic Test 1 分間pun-kan(minute time) マスターmasuta(master ) リスニングrisuningu (listening) and リーディングrideingu (reading).
They will probably on on sale in Japan in 1 or 2 month. As before they will be publish by Nippon keizai shimbun (日本経済新聞社).
Here are the advance copies of the probable covers:
So if your want to improve your Toeic score please buy them, the books will help you, I am most sure. For everyone else, please buy a copy for me. I will sign them if you want.
Seriously, they are great books Emiko has worked hard hard on them so that he books will provide they most benefit for those who buy the book..
Saturday, 20 March 2010
New Toeic Books
Recently, I have been working on the new version of the Toeic books written by Emiko Matsumoto. (Click the TOEIC label at the bottom of this post to see past post about the first set of books.)
I have finish the first draft, which Emiko had sent me, Listening: parts 1, 2, 3 & 4, and Reading: parts 5 & 6. With Reading part 7 still yet to do.
Everything looks very good and I hope that these books, when they are published, sell well.
The target score for these books is 450, aim at the beginner Toeic test taker or first time taker.
Though, for those of you who have a higher ability, I would still recommend the new books as well because they have some useful points for all levels and abilities.
Well that is for now, however I we keep you all in the loop (= up dated) on the progress of the books plus their likely publishing dates & pricing.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Cove, Green Peace & other Warmongers
May I ask why as Americans (and increasing Australians & New Zealanders as well, sad really becoming like Americans) you try to force other cultures to conform to what you deem is acceptable.
Japan and the other whale/dolphin eating nations have been fishing these food resources for over 1000 years. Their fishing activities have had little (basically no) impact on either whales or dolphins numbers. In fact it was the western countries (the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, western European countries, etc) greed that decimated the whale/dolphin numbers, not as falsely stated the whale eating nations.
Furthermore, that attacks on Japan have a strong element of racial, Sweden and Norway hunt whales too but I guess since they are white it is ok for them, considering the makers of "The Cove" and members of Green Peace also other groups tend to be WHITE MIDDLE-CLASS (in many cases: ignorant) moralizing missionaries.
Questions, should India start making documentaries about Americans (Westerners) eating and mistreatment of cattle and how cattle are treated as only materials and a manufacturing process, now that would be interesting.
Or how about Muslims, Jewish campaigning and to show their disgust for westerners eating pork.
It is just other form of racism or prejudice, food-racism, basically we (westerners) don't eat it so other people/cultures shouldn't be allowed to eat it as well.
America! think before you talk. And learn to respect other cultures, your culture is good but it is far from perfect. Westerners seem to have the belief that they are the saviors of the world and are here to teach and force other cultures to change, what they deem to be inferior, barbaric &, or primitive, ways.
No consideration of the cultural, social, economic destruction their actions may cause or their impact on the local communities.
No! these so-called earth-friendly groups just come to some place and tell, demand, the people there to stop/ change a practice because it is wrong (wrong in western eyes). Now, isn't this just high arrogance.
Yes! these groups are WAR-MONGERS because their actions are attacks and if they were done on a country to country level, they would be considered acts of war. These groups also physically attack local communities and people (fishermen, farmers, hunters, shopkeepers, eating-places) who are only trying to making a living to support their families. Then when the local people defend themselves against the attacks, perpetuated by the so-called earth-friendly groups, these groups complain. The groups seem to think that it is ok for them to attack anyone but it is wrong for local people to defend themselves from the physical and verbal attacks.
Case in point; Greenpeace commit acts of piracy against fishermen, Greenpeace physically attack the fishermen and sometimes hurt them. Greenpeace deem these acceptable actions and consequences, but when the fishermen fight back; Greenpeace cry foul to the whole world.
Yes, I understand that these groups are trying to improve the planet in some way, but they are all hypocrites because they demand that people of other cultures, lower economics status, developing / undeveloped areas, etc change and, or stop their historical-traditional-cultural practices first. These groups should concentrate on their own countries/cultures first, once they have done that then may ask, yes ask, not demand that others join their cause. This will not occur though because these groups think they are somehow holy and righteous, that they the only ones who can save the planet and any person or culture that gets in the way of this must be destroyed. Of course, they would not say this directly, but this is their intended purpose.
Me, by writing this will most likely be attacked for my criticism of the so-called earth-friendly groups because like religion, the church (all forms) and (some) governments, any criticism must crushed and any type of opposition to their position must be eliminated i.e. they are right and just, everyone else who disagrees is Wrong, Stupid, Satan or Criminal.
I do agree that Japan should not call its fishing of whales, etc "scientific". No Japan should say: "We are fishing whales as a food resource and if you don't like it, well that is your opinion but we are not going to stop just (some) westerners have guilt because they cause most (if not all) of the environmental problems.". Basically, the to hell with you westerners and Two/One finger up to you.
Beside the international community can decide a quota system; stating how much each country can fish. I am quite sure the whale-eating countries would readily accept this. We as citizens of the Earth must respect all cultures and traditions, whether we like them or not.
There is room for all things. If these traditions and cultures naturally died out then so be it. But it must be because this is a natural flow of things, all cultures will die some day. We do not need to force the issue because we deem it wrong through know cultural perception.
One final point or should I say rant:
Don't you vegetarians and vegans start feeling all smug and self righteous. Your activities cause just much threat to animals and the environment as anyone else. Pray tell you may ask!?
Well since you consume planet matter and this material requires land and lots of it, which in turn requires the clearing of natural habitats that displaces and will endanger a large number of planet and animal species. It requires far more land to produce plant based source food than it does animal based source food. Plus the land need to grow the food is the same land that wild species also need.
Hydroponics I hear you say, well mmm, yes, actually NO. For minimal land use, yes you have a point. But as for water conservation no. True they recycle the water but that can only be done a limited amount of time before they need to add more "fresh" water. also they need to add nutrients to the water so the plants can grow and this comes for bio-waste: old food, vegetation and manure, the last one requires animals. And in all likelihood you people would start complaining about the treatment of animals to get the manure.
Warmongers, now why would I place such a description of these earthy-friendly groups. Well it is because be it directly or indirectly they encourage people to commits acts of violence just as surely as religion, politics and national-pride as well as the leaders that represent these. Therefore they are no better than any other group that allows it's members, supporters, followers, etc that stand by and allow these actions to occur.
That is it everyone I have had my say. I leave you with a final thought.
NATURE does not care, Nature just keeps on moving.
Kill all the animal life; nature does not care,
Kill all the plant life; nature does not care,
Kill all the human life; nature does not care.
Nature just continues to move on.
It make no difference to nature.
And that is the point,
Nature Does NOT CARE.
Only we do, silly humans.
Syrbastyian (Amaya)
Japan and the other whale/dolphin eating nations have been fishing these food resources for over 1000 years. Their fishing activities have had little (basically no) impact on either whales or dolphins numbers. In fact it was the western countries (the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, western European countries, etc) greed that decimated the whale/dolphin numbers, not as falsely stated the whale eating nations.
Furthermore, that attacks on Japan have a strong element of racial, Sweden and Norway hunt whales too but I guess since they are white it is ok for them, considering the makers of "The Cove" and members of Green Peace also other groups tend to be WHITE MIDDLE-CLASS (in many cases: ignorant) moralizing missionaries.
Questions, should India start making documentaries about Americans (Westerners) eating and mistreatment of cattle and how cattle are treated as only materials and a manufacturing process, now that would be interesting.
Or how about Muslims, Jewish campaigning and to show their disgust for westerners eating pork.
It is just other form of racism or prejudice, food-racism, basically we (westerners) don't eat it so other people/cultures shouldn't be allowed to eat it as well.
America! think before you talk. And learn to respect other cultures, your culture is good but it is far from perfect. Westerners seem to have the belief that they are the saviors of the world and are here to teach and force other cultures to change, what they deem to be inferior, barbaric &, or primitive, ways.
No consideration of the cultural, social, economic destruction their actions may cause or their impact on the local communities.
No! these so-called earth-friendly groups just come to some place and tell, demand, the people there to stop/ change a practice because it is wrong (wrong in western eyes). Now, isn't this just high arrogance.
Yes! these groups are WAR-MONGERS because their actions are attacks and if they were done on a country to country level, they would be considered acts of war. These groups also physically attack local communities and people (fishermen, farmers, hunters, shopkeepers, eating-places) who are only trying to making a living to support their families. Then when the local people defend themselves against the attacks, perpetuated by the so-called earth-friendly groups, these groups complain. The groups seem to think that it is ok for them to attack anyone but it is wrong for local people to defend themselves from the physical and verbal attacks.
Case in point; Greenpeace commit acts of piracy against fishermen, Greenpeace physically attack the fishermen and sometimes hurt them. Greenpeace deem these acceptable actions and consequences, but when the fishermen fight back; Greenpeace cry foul to the whole world.
Yes, I understand that these groups are trying to improve the planet in some way, but they are all hypocrites because they demand that people of other cultures, lower economics status, developing / undeveloped areas, etc change and, or stop their historical-traditional-cultural practices first. These groups should concentrate on their own countries/cultures first, once they have done that then may ask, yes ask, not demand that others join their cause. This will not occur though because these groups think they are somehow holy and righteous, that they the only ones who can save the planet and any person or culture that gets in the way of this must be destroyed. Of course, they would not say this directly, but this is their intended purpose.
Me, by writing this will most likely be attacked for my criticism of the so-called earth-friendly groups because like religion, the church (all forms) and (some) governments, any criticism must crushed and any type of opposition to their position must be eliminated i.e. they are right and just, everyone else who disagrees is Wrong, Stupid, Satan or Criminal.
I do agree that Japan should not call its fishing of whales, etc "scientific". No Japan should say: "We are fishing whales as a food resource and if you don't like it, well that is your opinion but we are not going to stop just (some) westerners have guilt because they cause most (if not all) of the environmental problems.". Basically, the to hell with you westerners and Two/One finger up to you.
Beside the international community can decide a quota system; stating how much each country can fish. I am quite sure the whale-eating countries would readily accept this. We as citizens of the Earth must respect all cultures and traditions, whether we like them or not.
There is room for all things. If these traditions and cultures naturally died out then so be it. But it must be because this is a natural flow of things, all cultures will die some day. We do not need to force the issue because we deem it wrong through know cultural perception.
One final point or should I say rant:
Don't you vegetarians and vegans start feeling all smug and self righteous. Your activities cause just much threat to animals and the environment as anyone else. Pray tell you may ask!?
Well since you consume planet matter and this material requires land and lots of it, which in turn requires the clearing of natural habitats that displaces and will endanger a large number of planet and animal species. It requires far more land to produce plant based source food than it does animal based source food. Plus the land need to grow the food is the same land that wild species also need.
Hydroponics I hear you say, well mmm, yes, actually NO. For minimal land use, yes you have a point. But as for water conservation no. True they recycle the water but that can only be done a limited amount of time before they need to add more "fresh" water. also they need to add nutrients to the water so the plants can grow and this comes for bio-waste: old food, vegetation and manure, the last one requires animals. And in all likelihood you people would start complaining about the treatment of animals to get the manure.
Warmongers, now why would I place such a description of these earthy-friendly groups. Well it is because be it directly or indirectly they encourage people to commits acts of violence just as surely as religion, politics and national-pride as well as the leaders that represent these. Therefore they are no better than any other group that allows it's members, supporters, followers, etc that stand by and allow these actions to occur.
That is it everyone I have had my say. I leave you with a final thought.
NATURE does not care, Nature just keeps on moving.
Kill all the animal life; nature does not care,
Kill all the plant life; nature does not care,
Kill all the human life; nature does not care.
Nature just continues to move on.
It make no difference to nature.
And that is the point,
Nature Does NOT CARE.
Only we do, silly humans.
Syrbastyian (Amaya)
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