As some of you may already know, I work part time for a language company called Nichibei English Service.
In Japanese 日米英語学院 (Nichibei Eigo Gakku In).It is a great place to work and I enjoy it very much.The teachers are mix of native English speakers and Japanese.
They are all Highly professional and very good at their jobs.
So for those of you who are really serious about learning English, especially those who may take one of the many types of language tests.
I highly recommend Nichibei.
I work at the Shibuya branch 日米英語学院 渋谷校.
Here is the web site for Nichibei and the web site & blog link for the Shibuya branch:
Nichibei web site: http://www.nichibei-eigo.co.jp/
Nichibei Shibuya branch web site: http://www.nichibei-shibuya.com/
Nichibei Shibuya branch blog: http://shibuya.nichibei-eigo.co.jp/
Here is a blog for you by one of the teachers at Nichibei.
Her name is Emiko Matsumoto (松本恵美子先生).
She offers some great advice and it will definitely help you, plus she has some great photographs on her blog.
Please click the link: http://matsumoto.nichibei-shibuya.com/
Here are the Address and telephone numbers for the Nichibei Branches:
東京都渋谷区渋谷 2丁目 20番地 11号 渋谷協和ビル 8階
電話番号:( 03 ) 3407 6321
FREE DIAL: 0120 544 218
Web Site: http://nichibei-shibuya.com/
Blog: http://shibuya.nichibei-eigo.jp/
東京都新宿区西新宿 1丁目 18番地 17号 ラウンドクロス西新宿ビル 11階
電話番号:( 03 ) 5321 6133
FREE DIAL: 0120 858 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-shinjuku.com/
Blog: http://shinjuku.nichibei-eigo.jp
東京都豊島区南池袋 1丁目 22番地 2号 FLCビル 4階
電話番号:( 03 ) 6903 8255
FREE DIAL: 0120 588 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-ikebukuro.com
Blog: http://ikebukuro.nichibei-eigo.jp
大阪市北区梅田 1丁目 11番地 4号 2300 大阪駅前弟4ビル 23階
電話番号:( 06 ) 6344 7702
FREE DIAL: 0120 339 033
Web site: http://www.nichibei-umeda.com
Blog: http://umeda.nichibei-eigo.jp
大阪市中央区難波 2丁目 2番地 3号 御堂筋グランドビル B1階
電話番号:( 06 ) 6213 3460
FREE DIAL: 0120 455 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-nanba.com
Blog: http://nanba.nichibei-eigo.jp
大阪府大阪市天王寺区悲田院町 10丁目 39番地 天王寺ミオ谷協和ビル 9階
電話番号:( 06 ) 6770 1263
FREE DIAL: 1201 411 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-tennoji.com
Blog: http://tennoji.nichibei-eigo.jp
京都市下京区四条鳥丸東入長刀鉾町 32 パルビル 6階
電話番号:( 075 ) 212 0222
FREE DIAL: 0120 477 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-kyoto.com
Blog: http://kyoto.nichibei-eigo.jp
神戸市中央区三宮町 2丁目 9番地 1号 1401-1 三宮センタ-プラザ 14階
電話番号:( 078 ) 331 6955
FREE DIAL: 0120 447 218
Web Site: http://www.nichibei-kobe.com
Blog: http://kobe.nichibei-eigo.jp
Hi my name is Syrbastyian Vzampfyier. This blog is about expressing the things I think and feel plus it will also include letters I have written plus my poems and thoughts. I hope you will enjoy reading everything and I hope that my mind may advance yours and your mind advance mine as well. Thank you all, Syrbastyian.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Friday, 6 March 2009
English Study: Ochanomizu, Nova
NOVA 御茶ノ水校
I have working for one of the franchises of the new nova. I know I said I would not work for them and it is true. I am not working for them, I am working for the franchise owner. My contract is with him, NOT with nova.
So for those who want to practice their English but are not so serious about it and do not want to spend a lot of money, well come to Ochanomizu nova ( 御茶ノ水校 ), it is only a 2 minutes walk from Ochanomizu JR station & Shin-Ochanomizu Metro-station (Chiyoda-line) or a 5 minute walk from Ogawamachi station (Toei Shinjuku-line).
There is the address, telephone number and access to Ochanomizu branch (御茶ノ水校):
東京都千代田区神田駿河台 4丁目 2番地 3号 プリザイド御茶ノ水ビル 1階
Telephone Number; ( 03 ) 6912 1078
If the above branch is not good for you then try one of the other franchise branches but NOT the G-COM branches.
Join one of the franchise branch because they will treat you better and respectfully.
The G-COM branches only want your money.
Also they will want you to take off your shoes because they think they can treat you like children. Please refuse to take off your shoes.
They have this rule because (A) the want to delay you for sales talking and (B) they think that Adult students are child-jukku students and must treated like children.
I have working for one of the franchises of the new nova. I know I said I would not work for them and it is true. I am not working for them, I am working for the franchise owner. My contract is with him, NOT with nova.
So for those who want to practice their English but are not so serious about it and do not want to spend a lot of money, well come to Ochanomizu nova ( 御茶ノ水校 ), it is only a 2 minutes walk from Ochanomizu JR station & Shin-Ochanomizu Metro-station (Chiyoda-line) or a 5 minute walk from Ogawamachi station (Toei Shinjuku-line).
There is the address, telephone number and access to Ochanomizu branch (御茶ノ水校):
東京都千代田区神田駿河台 4丁目 2番地 3号 プリザイド御茶ノ水ビル 1階
Telephone Number; ( 03 ) 6912 1078
If the above branch is not good for you then try one of the other franchise branches but NOT the G-COM branches.
Join one of the franchise branch because they will treat you better and respectfully.
The G-COM branches only want your money.
Also they will want you to take off your shoes because they think they can treat you like children. Please refuse to take off your shoes.
They have this rule because (A) the want to delay you for sales talking and (B) they think that Adult students are child-jukku students and must treated like children.
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