Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Printing out sheets

Hi everyone,

I know some of you have tried to print the English work-sheets that I made but had some problems with size.

Well, I have fixed those issues and problems so you should be able to print out the sheets now.

Note: when you print them out, set the printer to print the page side ways not the usual length ways. I.e. With the long sides of A4 paper at the top and bottom.

If you still have problems then let me know and I will try to resolve them for you but I am still a little new at this myself.

Have a good day / night, wherever you are.


Monday, 8 September 2008

Modifiers & Intensifiers

Hi everyone,

I have made some more English worksheets for you to use and practice with.

These ones are about words that make vocabulary stronger or weaker. For example: "This bag is A LITTLE expensive", "This bag is VERY expensive", "(A) bag is MUCH more expensive than (B) bag", etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


To see the sheet please click the "TITLE" or the link >>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p6X_DDMzNbcQnC8_gXRd5TQ&hl=en_GB